Saturday, October 15, 2016

Glazed Part Twenty-Eight

"Y'all, I've learned nothing from a week without YouTube," she said, as she watches Rhett and Link eat deep fried lemons.
*clears throat*
I don't think we need to talk about that.
In Diddle Pop Land, Prince Cedric handed out cloaks for the people who were trapped in the kingdom.
“Please, have a cloak,” Cedric said and gave one to a woman.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” She said, draping it around herself.
Sprinkles flew down from the ominous brown clouds, and the weather was abnormally cold, especially for summer. Cedric gave a cloak to another person, then the Duke of Ice Creamtown stalked up to him.
“Prince Cedric!”
Cedric turned to face the angry duke.
 “Are we expected to just sit around and freeze to death, while we let a princess with no experience in tracking down people go out and search for this rogue queen?”
Cedric sighed. “Princess Emma has given her orders-”
“That, too!” the duke shouted. “Has the thought ever occurred to you that she might be conspiring with the sorceress to destroy us?”
“Don't question her motives. She has put me in charge over this sprinkle saturated kingdom, and I will not hesitate to protect this kingdom from treason,” Cedric argued.
The duke gasped. “Treason?” he stammered. “I-I meant nothing by it. I just... never mind.” The duke lowered his head, clearly annoyed with that implication. Cedric frowned, but any further discussion was cut off by a horse whinny and the sound of people gasping. He turned to look behind him, and a horse burst into the castle courtyard, coming from the forest.
“Princess Emma's horse!” someone hollered. The spooked horse screeched, rearing. Cedric put out his arms in attempts to calm the horse. It settled down, eyes still blazing with fright, and Cedric grabbed its reins.
“Where did you come from?” he asked the horse quietly as he stroked its muzzle with a gloved hand. He gazed out to the forest.
Emma was in trouble.
“Take the horse to the stables,” Cedric ordered a servant. The servant took it away, and Cedric faced the crowd.
“Princess Emma is in trouble. Who will come with me to find her? Who will be courageous enough to brave this weather? I need volunteers,” Cedric declared. Some men shouted that they would join him and stepped forward.
“I volunteer two men!” The duke shouted suddenly. Cedric gazed at him, searching the duke's expression. The duke gestured to the two guards who followed him everywhere. Finally, Cedric nodded. He looked away from the duke and back to the preparations. He couldn't hear the duke's quietly order his guards, “If you spot the Queen-” The duke placed a hand around his throat mindlessly. “You know what you must do.”
Cliffhanger of sorts??? LOL! I'm planning on posting this a lot more often now, but I had totally forgot about it...XD
P.S. I'm a bit hyper....


  1. YAY FOR GLAZED! *throws confetti, sprinkles, and donuts*
    OOH, that is one huge cliffhanger! I cannot wait for the next part! Bravo! :D

  2. YAY!!! glazed! yeah, I think you are a bit hyper.....
    Most crazily, ~Olive
    p.s. great drawing!

    1. Yay for Glazed!XD LOL! I'm ALWAYS HYPER!!!!XD
      P.S. Thank you so much!

  3. wow! I can't wait to see what happens next

  4. Yay! Glazed! I love the drawing, especially the little freckles!
    <3 , IrishAG
