Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Recreating... #6

Hi everyone! :D
I haven't made a recreation post in a while, and I always like to do these for my own personal enjoyment, so here is the latest one! :)

This is the drawing I found that I thought would be fun to redo. As you can see, this character has a serious bobble head, and just...ugh. No. O.O I made this in 2013 or early 2014 after Frozen. I obviously took lots of inspiration from Elsa, who I was OBSESSED with at the time. ;D

I immediately started working on it, wondering how I could get less of an Elsa feel from it...but ultimately stuck to the original idea pretty much. :)
 In progress shot. :)

I was watching Rogue One while doing this drawing. Not my favorite Star Wars movie, but I wanted to watch it, soooo... ;)
AND FINALLY THE FINISHED PROJECT! I think it looks so much better than the original! I like her hair more, her face more, and the details on her dress more. Just...everything. XD I decided to add a bit more of a background, even though I really can't do those well. ;)

The before and after! So much progress in my art in just a few years! And I am so happy I have good coloring pencils, they make such a difference! :D

So I hope you enjoyed this post! They're really a lot of fun for me! :)

Sunday, September 10, 2017

24 Hour Reading Day!

Hi everyone!
Okay, so a week or two ago, Kendra (my sister) and I did a 24 hour reading marathon, where we wanted to see how much reading we could get done in the span of 24 hours!
Now, I didn't start at midnight and go to midnight, cuz... sleep is important, but I did read for as much as I could during the time I was awake. ;)
And I documented it all for a blog post!! :D

10:30 am-
I've been reading for the past hour now in my Percy Jackson book. I have a feeling that once it gets more into the main quest, I'll get through the book quickly... I think. Not that it's boring. I like it. XD
Kendra just recently surfaced and I assume she'll start reading with me son! My goal for the day is to finish Percy Jackson and make it almost halfway though another book. :) Now hopefully I can not get distracted by friends or Instagram.... XD XD
*legit just spent ten minutes on Instagram*

Back to reading!!!

12:25 pm-
I've gotten over half of the Percy Jackson book read, I definitely think I'll be able to reach my goal! Kendra has now joined me, (late much?) so yayyy!!

I'm taking a sort of break from reading to see if my friends can text.... ;)

(This is how you read, right? Oh, and I do have hair it's just up in a bun. O.O XD)

Long time no update! I've been reading, but Kendra and I had to run some errands and we got some food. We're back home now and are reading strong! I'm close to finishing Percy Jackson! Only about forty-ish more pages left!

I FINISHED PERCY JACKSON! Definitely getting the next one. And probably the next. And the next. XD
I had been expecting different characters, so it was weird that I had only heard of Annabeth and Percy... I was thinking Leo Valdez, Jason, and Piper and all those characters would show up, but I guess that's for later! NEXT BOOK NOW! ENTWINED!

I'm taking a break from reading and now am spending some time drawing and watching a show with my mom. :)

I've officially gone back to reading. Let's see how far I can make it in my book in the next hour-ish! PHONE OFF!

A whole hour without using my phone, and I got around 80 pages read! WHOO hooo! XD This book is just getting really interesting. I think reading like this is helping my writer's block for NaNo... it's making me think about how much I like stories! :D

I'm gonna try to read as much as I can before eleven, when I do my last things and go to bed. I doubt I will have completed my goal, but I still got lots read!

I have finished reading for the night. I'm probably a quarter of the way through Entwined, which isn't too bad! Considering I haven't read many books the past YEAR, reading, like, over 400 pages in a day is great! :D

And by now since I've finished Entwined, I can say IT WAS SO AMAZING! EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT. YES YES YES. 

I hope you enjoyed the post! I had lots of fun reading, the last time I read all day was probably the day after the "Neverseen" launch party where I just read "Neverseen" all day. XD Good times, good times. ;) I want to do more of these posts where I draw or write for an entire day and share the progress, but I don't know which one to do first. Which one would you like to see more? Me going crazy while writing all day or me going crazy while drawing all day? ;)
What are some of your favorite books? Have you read Percy Jackson or Entwined? :)