
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Creating Worlds Writing Camp - Challenge 1

Soooo....Glazed needs to get posted, I know, I know.
*laughs nervously*
I've been busy though, so um, yeah. I haven't been able to draw any pictures for it yet, sorry.:(
BUT I am doing Loren's writing camp so here's my first challenge!:D
(Oh, and I am on Team Keepers! WE'RE GOING TO WIN! YEAAAAH!!!!XD)
Prompts I used-

I ducked through the streets, hoping that none of the Terrors saw me. I choked back tears, my world was so evil, so dark. I had no hope for a better time. I thought these things as I wove through an alley, then saw a Terror. They usually had tall scale covered bodies and murky gray-green eyes that looked like shifting fog over a swamp, but this Terror looked different. It didn't have the dark silver, almost black, scales but leathery blush colored skin, like how I imagined a dragon might have, and it had squinted yet sparkling green eyes. It drew me to it, although I tried to fight the feeling. The Terror was like a light and me as if I was a moth, walked toward it.
"You are like no Terror I have seen before," I whispered and the creature looked down at me, it's face glowing with a smile, something I never saw anymore.
"That's because I am no Terror, girl. Terrors are harsh, horrible creatures that make lives into nightmares for citizens. But I was the first 'so called Terror'. I am the original. And back then, when we were created, we made lives more peaceful for humans, more like wonderful dreams," the creature said and I frowned.
"So, what happened?" I asked as I looked at the cracked and dusty ground of my desert city.
"Hate, anger, greed, revenge. The Terrors as they are now called can't handle these things. They execute their revenge by turning their powers to be dark and cruel. But I have learned to not let the darkness penetrate me. I would rather be a light. For when you put light into a dark room, the darkness must be diminished. And that's how it will always be," the creature's smile turned sad. "So don't give up hope, girl. Love, bring joy, and you will have the power over evil."
I shook my head. "Evil is too powerful and there isn't any good in the world anymore. There is no peace."
"No. There will always be good in the world. You just have to find it," it continued. "I was brought here because you have lost your hope. MY hope is that you will take my words as the truth and find joy even in the darkest time. Now go, and spread the hope you have learned."
I looked away and felt my soul lighten. It was right. I had to be hopeful even when all seemed lost.
I turned back to the creature.
"Thank-" I began but trailed off. The dusty alleyway was empty except for a tiny pink flower growing out of a crack in the ground.
I hope you liked the story!:) That's all I have for right now.
Well, gotta get back to drawing and writing!
(Or watching Star Wars XD)


  1. Oh my goodness, this was so amazing! I want more! XD You're an amazing writer! :)
    Also...GO TEAM KEEPERS!!! YAY!! :D I really hope we win! ;) Can't wait for Glazed!

    1. Thank you so much!:D I hope we win, too! I realized I'm really competitive if other people are competitive!XD

    2. Ooh, me too! XD I'll help back you up against Josie if you want... ;D

    3. YES! We must stand up against the other teams and prove that Keepers are the best!!!!!XD

  2. I really liked it! You know, for a Keeper XD.

  3. I'm not doing the writing camp, but I've been reading folks' entries, and this is by far THE BEST ONE.:) I hope your team wins!

    ~Ms. AGdoll~

    1. Oh wow! That's just such high praise! I've seen a lot of entries that I've thought have been way better, but I am so glad you liked it so much!:D

  4. Very good! I like it... TEAMATE!!!! I'm on team keepers! Way to go! Love it! :)
